Kitchen Time

December 3-6th 2012—Kitchen Time
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—All around the Kitchen
Social—I love _______ (song writing) favorite foods
Counting—10 little Vegetables
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Jingle Bells/First Noel
Small and Large Movement Skills—Do as I’m doing
ABC/Reading—ABC Sing to Me
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Homemade Pretzels
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Seasonal Dress Relay
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Make Pretzels/No Bake Cookies
Math/Science Skills—Sorting Utensils
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Pots and Pan Band
Social—Stones Soup—let everyone contribute something into the soup.
Counting—Pease Porridge Hot—Count the “peas” in the pot (The first little pea jumped into the pot and waited for the soup to get hot)
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Jingle Bells/First Noel
Small and Large Movement Skills—Let it snow w/ Parachute and snowflakes
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Must Be Santa– Learn Song
Snack & Story Time-No Bake Cookies
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Kick Ball
Creating Project (arts and crafts)Pudding Paint/No Bake Cookies
Math/Science Skills—Abacus Counting
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  It’s December-please look in your child’s backpack for their monthly calendar.  Show and Tell is this Wednesday or Thursday.  Since we are talking about kitchen have them bring there favorite food or favorite kitchen item.  Part of show and tell is learning how to talk in front of a group and learning new vocabulary words.  This is a great time to learn the names of items they have seen you use in the kitchen.  Last day of preschool for December is the 12th or the 13th.  Because of the busy time of year I decided to wait to do our field trip until January.  Next week on Dec 12th or 13th we will be doing a Christmas program for our families for the last half hour of preschool.  You are welcome to come and enjoy that.  We will also have refreshments afterward.

Home Challenge:  This week we will be talking about the kitchen.  There are so many math, science, and reading skills that are built by doing cooking activities.  Please find time to include your child in some of your cooking/baking this holiday season.  These memories of cooking with mom and dad are priceless!