Be Mine

Be Mine Valentine:  Letter Y Number 20
Monday and Tuesday
It’s Field Trip Day for Monday Group!—see e-mail for times and details
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day
Reading Time
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Social—Who will be my Valentine?
Counting—Hide and count Hearts song
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Where’s all the C’s?
Small and Large Movement Skills—Skidamarink-show book then teach the actions
ABC/Reading—Mom and Dad sittin’ in a tree
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Straw Paintings
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)—On Writing Slates
Group Motor Activity—Playing Pretend:  Let’s be Galloping Horses, Waddling Ducks, Robots, etc.
Math/Science Skills—Inch by Inch
Storytime—Valentine Story
Goodbye Song

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day
Reading Time
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Deep in the heart of Texas
Social—I’m in the mood
Counting—This Old Man
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Do Re Me
Small and Large Movement Skills—Mirror Dancing w/ Partners and scarves (Fuggi Fuggi)
ABC/Reading—Egg Pass with ABC’s hidden inside
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Decorate Valentine Sacks
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime—Cut Carrots
Pass out Valentines
Group Motor Activity:  Walk, Skip, Jog, Hop around the house
Math/Science Skills—Who Sank the Boat
Goodbye Song
Announcements:  We will be exchanging Valentines Wednesday and Thursday.  See calendar for the number of valentines you will need.  We will make fun sacks to keep all the valentines in that day.  We had many parents who were and are going to be able to help with the field trips this month.  Thank you so much  It was a great experience for the children to interact with the older adults and the adults just enjoyed the children so much.  I’m sure it will be the same this week!
Home Challenge:  Start a Valentine Tradition this year or keep an old one to help Valentines be special at your house.  You can heart attack your child’s room by putting hearts all over there door or help your child do it for an older sibling, grandparent, or dad.  Have a special meal for valentines where the whole family is together, or simply get together to play a family game.  Sometimes the simple traditions that you can easily keep are the best!