Western Roundup

Theme:  Western Roundup
Self Directed Play & Clean Up:  Lincoln Logs
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week  Letters: U, L, W  Numbers 80-90
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-Simon
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Jimmy Crack Corn-use sticks on every “crack” in the song
Social—Horsey Horsey—teach partners the horsey trot dance
Counting—Bubble gum-with money
Music readiness/rhythm—Snake-mixed up and fix up
Small and Large Movement Skills—Match your feet to the beat—galloping like a horse
Cognitive (colors, shapes, letters)—Home on the Range w/ Microphone
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time—Flapjacks–Fastest Drawer in the West
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Barrel Racing
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Footprint horse, Cowboy Hat
Math/Science Skills—Number puzzle game
Goodbye Song
Self Directed Play & Clean Up:  Dress ups, and lacing
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
This week is the Utah Earthquake Shakeout.  We will be doing an earthquake awareness day today.  We will do a drill as well.
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
10:15:  Earthquake ShakeOut!
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Coyote Pow Wow/drums, shakers, recorder
Social-Tell some Navajo legends to music
Counting-10 little Indians (Count forward and backwards)
Music readiness/rhythm-Echo Dog-(repeat my pattern)
Small and Large Movement Skills—Circle to the left-old brass wagon
Cognitive (colors, shapes, letters)—Rainbow Song
Singing—Child Chooses Songs–
Snack & Story Time—Indian Fry Bread
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Cowboy beanbag toss
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Making bead necklaces, Paper weaving, (Tell the Navajo Weaver Poem)
Math/Science Skills—Counting by 10’s with the abacus
Goodbye Song
Announcements and Home Challenge: Wednesday and Thursday we will be doing an earthquake drill.  I will prepare the students before but you may also want to talk to your child about earthquakes as well.  For more information about the Utah Shake out check out this webpage:  http://www.shakeout.org/utah/   This statewide earthquake awareness is something you can also do with your family at home or at work.  We all must get better prepared for major earthquakes, and practice how to protect ourselves when they happen. The purpose of the ShakeOut is to help people and organizations do both. The following video has been created to show what may happen in a Wasatch fault earthquake, and what Utahns can do to reduce losses.