Welcome to School!

I’m excited to get started this week!  I have been furiously getting all our supplies and materials ready to go.  So I apologize that this post is so late in coming.  Just a couple reminders to help make tomorrow and Thursday go smoothly.
1.  Talk lots about preschool and how much fun they will have.  You can go over our preschool rules so they can already know them.  Our rules are simple:  Follow Teachers Directions, Keep your hands and objects to yourself, and Treat others and yourself Kindly.
2.  Drop off no earlier then 5 minutes early so I have time to have everything in the class ready to go.  You can bring them up to the door or just wave goodbye from the car
3.  Bring your 100 stickers if you already haven’t, and an extra pair of clothes in your backpack
4.  Pick up– When we are finished with school I will bring your children outside to you.  You can wait in your car or just outside.  That way we all are done together.

Below is our schedule.  The 3 & 4 year olds don’t do all that is below.  See your calendar for which creative project your child will do.

September 5 & 6  Getting to Know You!  Letter M and Number 0

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Go over Rules at Preschool
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song

Instruments: Lauren’s Waltz –musical improve with rhythm instruments

Social: Make New Friends:
        My Favorite Things-song writing
The More we get together

Counting Ode to Joy counting song

Music Appreciation/Readiness Introduce Alphabet Cards

Small and Large Movement Skills- If your happy and you know it

ABC/Reading:  Humming letter M- Follow pitches of Pete the dog!
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) My Favorite Color/Food Sheet/About Me Collage
Free Time & Group Motor Activity:  Follow the Leader Outside
Snack & Story Time:  Carrots and Celery sticks w/ dressing
Math/Science Skills-Introduce Number Blocks
Goodbye Song