Valentines Week: Letter-Y Number-20

This is the 3-4 year old’s week to go on a field trip!  In leui of a Valentines Party we are going to visit Williamsburg Retirement Center and give them Valentines that we made for them.  We will be doing an intergenerational music therapy group with them.  This is where we do music, movement, singing, playing instruments and interacting with the residence at the center.  Please talk with your child before hand to let them know what to expect.  We talked about respecting other people who may be different from us last week so if you can continue that conversation that would be great!  This will help them be more prepared for their experience.

Please be sure to bring a carseat and have your child in their music train preschool shirt.  I have a couple of new students that haven’t got your shirts.  I will have them for them when they get to school on Wednesday!

Valentine Craft
Snack:  Yogurt
Remember to keep reading with your child at home!  I have seen a huge improvement in those that are consistently bringing books back to school.  Keep up the great work!

Valentine Bag
Snack:  Cookies
This is the day we will be exchanging valentines in class.  Please have your child bring a valentine for everyone in class.  Just have them write who it’s from and not to so it will be easy to hand out.  Morning we have 6 children in the class and the Afternoon class has 5 children in the class.  We will be making a bag for them to carry home their valentines.