Little Helpers

Letter sound of the Day—sh Number of the Day–50-60
Welcome and Free Play
Name Practicing and worksheet
Weather/Calendar-Jacob and Maylin
Reading Time
Music Circle Time
Movement—Itsy Bitsy Spider
Instruments Round the Kitchen
Counting-5 little ducks
music appreciation/readiness
Student of the day choose one song-
Outside Play

Snack Time—peaches
Creating Project—Stamping 4 leaf clovers
Math/Science Games—Uno Attack
Goodbye Song

Welcome and free play
Weather/Calendar-Brock and Sadie
Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
Music Circle Time
Movement—I’m a little teapot
Instruments—Pop goes the weasle
Counting-Hickory Dickory Dock
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Song
music appreciation/readiness
Free Play
Math/Science Games—Telephone Talk
Creating Project—Make Homemade Waffles
Snack Time-eat waffles
11:28 Goodbye Song

Announcements:  We will not be going on a field trip this week.  We will be going on the 26th and 27th so plan on bringing your child their t-shirts on and leaving car seats.  I do need a parent to help with both age groups so please e-mail me or talk to me next week if you could help drive and be with us for the field trip.    Your child brought home a plant last week.  These are zinnia’s which are beautiful flowers you can plant in your yard after Mother’s Day.  We talked about them putting it in a sunny window and watering it a little everyday.  I like to let them water with a spray bottle of water because it helps with their fine motor skills and it’s easier for them not to make a mess.  =)

Home Challenge: Look for opportunities for you preschooler to be a little helper at home. With help and encouragement they can accomplish a lot. They can help you in the kitchen, they can help feed pets, dust, set the table, and help with younger siblings. Be sure to give lots of praise for their small efforts. The more they feel valued the more they will want to continue helping you. This will be very rewarding for you as well!