Little Helpers and Manners

Little Helpers and Good Manners
Seat Work–Patterns with manners (please, thank you)
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day–Review E, T, R and Numbers 50-60
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Round the Kitchen
Social-I’m happy when I’m helping–each share something we can do to help our families
Counting-5 little ducks
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Musical Dictation w/ magic notes
Small and Large Movement Skills-Itsy Bitsy Spider
Singing—Child Chooses SongsCreating Project (arts and crafts)–I’m good at…..
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime–Cookin’ Waffles
Reading Time-one lesson in Teach your child to read
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity
Math/Science Skills-Phone number practice
Goodbye Song

Wednesday and Thursday
Field Trip Day!
Please leave a car seat or booster
Have your child where their preschool T-shirt.
Meet at school at 9:00 am

More details will be e-mailed to you soon. I need to verify the times.