Flavorful Food!

Flavorful Food

Self Directed Play; Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week:Letter D, Number 6
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Waltz’n (Drum Shake Shake) learning 3/4 time
Social—Favorite Food—Shortnin Bread
Counting-5 little monkeys swinging
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Play back my rhthm
Small and Large Movement Skills—Dance Director (Cooleys Reel)
ABC/Reading-Pease Poridge Hot (w/ Clapping)
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack and Story Time- Ants on a log and Carrots: story –Hungry Caterpillar)
Free Time  and Group Motor Activity:  Hokey Pokey
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Decorate Pumpkins
Math/Science Skills–Sequence
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  Don’t forget next week we only have preschool on Monday.
The following week is the Pumpkin Walk Field Trip.  I will be sending details via e-mail later.

Homework Challenge:  Food can be a challenge with children but if they are exposed to a variety of food at a young age they will most likely not be as picky   I challenge you to involved your child with you in the kitchen this week.  You can make cookies together, or cook dinner together.  There are many things that a preschooler can do to help.  Some of the things are:  wash your produce for a salad, tear lettuce up, set the table, measure out dry ingredients.  It takes some patience but doing this will help them with their motor skills, vocabulary, and math skills.  Helping you read the recipe is a great way to expose them to more numbers and letters.