Fairy Tales

Letter T
Numbers 90-100

Snack:  Tangerines
Craft:  Crowns

Snack:  Toast
Craft:  Gingerbread Man

Announcements:  Last week I was able to do an earthquake drill with two of the class but the other two we will do this week.  We had two spotlights last week and those classes had so much going on I forgot to do the drill.  Melinda’s last day for her music therapy practicum will be this week.  She has come a few times with the Monday class and every week with the Wednesday class.  We really appreciate all the fun songs and interventions she has added to our classroom experience!

Homework Challenge:  Last week we started learning about american currency.  Specifically the value and names of coins.  Sometime this week it would be awesome to hear the same thing at home with you.  You can get out a quarter, dime, nickle, and a penny and see if your preschooler can identify each one.
We are learning about fairy tales and nursery rhymes this week.

The language and rhythm in Nursery Rhymes especially help children develop language skills which will in turn help with learning the patterns of reading. I encourage you to teach your child some new nursery rhymes and say them often. You can also add clapping or tapping your feet to them to emphasis the rhythm in the verses.  We are going to use their creativity and do some puppet shows for each other.  This can also be a fun thing to do at home.  They can make up their own story or use a story they have heard you read to them.